Propheci helps our clients build world-class Digital and IT capabilities that expedite business outcomes with best-in-class cost structures. Pushing the adoption by our clients of innovations driven by the technology community worldwide to improve their competitive position is our goal. Propheci offerings include trend evaluation, maturity assessment, and risks of technological innovation. Key current study areas at the moment include cloud computing, digital and social media, mobility and green technologies.
We help our clients build Digital and IT capabilities that improve business outcomes with enhanced cost structures. Topics such as Digital and IT strategy, Business and IT alignment, IT operating model, infrastructure and applications architecture are evaluated. The goal of corporate efficiency is a key driver of our technolgy offering.
Companies continue to search for ways to cut costs while at the same time prepare for future growth. Information Technology has been viewed as a cost center for most companies. Moving forward, as organizations have been forced to cut costs and look strategically at where the company is going, mobilility and cloud technologies have the opportunity to take a strategic role as an enabler of business success.