
Is it time to sell your business?

Selling your business is a major decision. You have dedicated your time, money, and energy into building, running, and operating your business. If you have already decided that now is the right time to sell your business, we believe you should receive the very best professional guidance you can get. This is when working in tandem with a professional business broker can make the difference between just getting rid of your business and selling your business for the absolute best price and terms.

Deciding to sell a business is the easy part. The route you decided to go about selling it is another matter altogether. Setting a price, advertising, preparing to sell, negotiating with a prospective buyer, and a host of legal and financial details need to be addressed. At Propheci, we can provide you with the knowledge and experience needed to guide you through the selling process. We help you to maximize the value of your business when selling by showing its true earning capacity and potential.

Confidentiality is extremely important when working with any broker during the selling process. At Propheci Bankers we protect information about the business for sale from being presented to unqualified buyers. In addition, we require potential buyers to provide proof of their financial ability to acquire your business.